tooth extraction dentistSometimes, there might be a tooth in the mouth that can’t be filled or that might be hurting so much that nothing can be done except for removing it from the mouth. There is a process that is followed when a tooth is extracted so that you get the best results possible after the procedure. You will sometimes be given an antibiotic before the tooth is pulled in case there is an infection. Once the infection is gone, then the tooth can be removed.

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is why a tooth needs to be removed in the first place. There might not be enough room in the mouth for all of the teeth. If there is a noticeable infection or an abscess, then the tooth will need to be removed in most cases. Dentists are often trained to remove teeth in a gentle manner so that you experience as little discomfort as possible. You will sometimes be put to sleep before the tooth is removed if it needs to be cut out of the gum. If the tooth can easily be pulled with dental tools, then the area will be numbed, or you might get a sedative so that you don’t feel any of the pain. However, you might feel pressure as the tooth is removed.

In the event that the tooth is impacted in the gum, then the tissue will be cut away from the tooth before forceps are used to remove the tooth from the mouth. The dentist will grasp the tooth with the forceps and rock it gently back and forth to loosen it from the gums. If the tooth is hard to remove, then it might need to be removed in pieces instead of as a whole tooth. After the tooth is removed, a blood clot typically forms in the socket where the tooth was located. A small piece of gauze will sometimes be used to keep bleeding to a minimum. Stitches might be used if there is a large socket left after removing the tooth. These usually dissolve on their own so that you don’t have to go back to the office to get them removed. If the blood clot happens to break apart, it could expose parts of the bone. This can be painful and result in the dentist using a medicated dressing in the socket that will last for a few days.

Having a tooth pulled can be a frightening thought, but there are usually no complications involved. You need to tell the dentist about any health conditions that you might have and if you have noticed any loose permanent teeth in the mouth. This can help the dentist determine the best course of action to take when pulling the tooth and any other teeth in the future.